CHANGE OF ATTITUDE: The Only Solution Towards Environmental Safety

CHANGE OF ATTITUDE: The Only Solution Towards Environmental Safety

CHANGE OF ATTITUDE: The Only Solution Towards Environmental Safety

Environmental degradation has not only become a major issue of global concern but also phenomena threatening human existence and the ecosystem.

With the current rapid population growth, urbanization and industrialization have resulted in a scramble for limited environmental resources, towns with limited capacity overstretched due to congestion and have become emitters of hazardous pollutant materials.

The most urbanized and industrialized are known to be major polluters of the world.

Most people still regard human beings and human society to be of central focus of the ecosystem (Anthropocentrism). A belief human beings regard themselves as the most important identities in the universe and should always be of the primary concern. 

We tend to see the environment as important if only it benefits us (shallow ecology). We are concerned with saving the environment only for our own benefit- the instrumental value and therefore without value, nature is useless.

People have become too ignorant towards the environment in that ‘there are too many people around polluting the environment, then why should be the one to take the responsibility.’ Such views influence the macro policies of a nation.

People only care about their immediate environment and what goes outside their houses doesn’t count so long as not within their residence.

In addition, people tend to own two residences, i.e. urban residence and upcountry where most people tend to be more responsible in the latter.

This is the root cause of irresponsible behavior such as haphazard dumping of waste, indiscriminate deforestation, irresponsible dumping of industrial waste and raw sewage into rivers, and uncontrolled development among others.

People have become blind to the aesthetic value, biological and the natural significance of our environment and it’s now the most important is the instrumental value of the environment to human survival.

It’s therefore important for humans to change their attitude and view the environment as a source of livelihood. Humans should attach ethical values to the environment – the principle of beneficence and the least harm to the environment.

We should attempt to generate the largest ratio of good over evil and strive to achieve the greatest amount of good because most people benefit from the most good.

Human beings must ask deep questions about the environment (deep ecology) regarding the position of human life and the fundamental philosophical question about the impact of human life in nature.

The core principle of should be the living environment should be respected despite the benefits obtained and seen as a legal right.

The emphasis is on the interdependence of organisms within the ecosystem and how part of the ecosystem relates to each other in the biosphere.

We should therefore see ourselves as permanent residents of the place we stay and strive to do the least harm to the environment and always be mindful of our actions.

In this way, we can rest assured of reduced pollution within our surroundings and sustainable environmental management.

CHANGE OF ATTITUDE: The Only Solution Towards Environmental Safety

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